
Cyber Security

Category: Articles & Publications

How can homomorphic encryption address privacy in COVID-19 apps?

The avalanche of COVID-19 applications developed to manage the pandemic has caused debates over the balance of public interest and the basic human right to privacy. COVID-19 apps, such as digital contact-tracing apps and statistical data analysis tools that help identify patterns that could lead to cures or prevention measures, have understandably led to the …

How can homomorphic encryption address privacy in COVID-19 apps? Read More »

Social Engineering Attacks- Old Trick, New Methods

Cyber-criminals are playing the same old tricks using new channels “Robbery at the biyebari!” someone shouted! A biyebari, roughly translated, is the household where the future bride or groom live and/or all wedding preparations take place. Biyebaris have evolved over my lifetime, but the key components remain — lots of laughter, fun, innovation, brainstorming, loudness, and …

Social Engineering Attacks- Old Trick, New Methods Read More »

Quantum Physics and Computing- how do these concepts relate to modern day cryptography?

Ever wished you were in two places at the same time? Well…turns out you can be if you are sub-atomic! The characteristics of the quantum universe are not very intuitive when based on observations of everyday physics, which may explain why even theoretical physicist Albert Einstein found the phenomena “spooky.” Although the discipline is quite …

Quantum Physics and Computing- how do these concepts relate to modern day cryptography? Read More »

How do Organizations Choose a Cloud Service Provider? Is it Like an Arranged Marriage?

Have you ever had to make a critical decision rationalised by clear value drivers but which was heavily reliant on trust? Social media was at a certain point inundated with references to a US reality show called “Indian Matchmaker” which generated interest around arranged marriages: a tradition that involves trust-based relationships and decision making, which …

How do Organizations Choose a Cloud Service Provider? Is it Like an Arranged Marriage? Read More »

Big data means big opportunities that come with big risks, needing big measures

Big data analytics in the financial sector around the world has become increasingly crucial to improve business efficiency, reduce operational costs and address long-standing business challenges. The term big data was coined in the early 1990s and, as the name suggests, it is “big.” Not just in size, but also in terms of speed of generation and …

Big data means big opportunities that come with big risks, needing big measures Read More »