
Cyber Security

How do Organizations Choose a Cloud Service Provider? Is it Like an Arranged Marriage?

Have you ever had to make a critical decision rationalised by clear value drivers but which was heavily reliant on trust? Social media was at a certain point inundated with references to a US reality show called “Indian Matchmaker” which generated interest around arranged marriages: a tradition that involves trust-based relationships and decision making, which has seen success and failure over the centuries.

While not as critical a decision as marriage, most organizations today face a similar trust-based dilemma- which cloud service provider to trust with their data? There is no debate over the clear value drivers for cloud computing- performance, cost and scalability to name a few. However, the lack of control and oversight could make organizations hesitant to hand over their most valuable asset- information, to a third party, trusting they have adequate information protection controls in place.

With any trust-based decision, external validation can play an important role. We are often asked- how do external validations in the form of information protection audit reports, foster the right level of trust? This article outlines the top three factors which in our opinion can drive trust based decisions.


You can refer to our full article on this topic published at the Information Security Magazine here.

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