
Cyber Security

Social Engineering Attacks- Old Trick, New Methods

Cyber-criminals are playing the same old tricks using new channels

“Robbery at the biyebari!” someone shouted! A biyebari, roughly translated, is the household where the future bride or groom live and/or all wedding preparations take place. Biyebaris have evolved over my lifetime, but the key components remain — lots of laughter, fun, innovation, brainstorming, loudness, and chaos.

Turns out the robbers relied on speaking to trusting individuals, gathering enough information to sound credible in the next conversation and observing (and recording) peoples’ actions.

Today, some decades later, social engineering is becoming increasingly common in cyberattacks. Insider collusion and fancy hacking tools may be important mechanisms but social engineering is an extremely powerful method to facilitate the crimes. This article helps busts what we think are the top three myths related to social engineering attacks.

You can read our full article on the topic published at Dhaka Tribune here.

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